Aishwarya was busy for the last month with shooting for Mani Ratnam’s film Guru in Badami. The actress has been under a lot of stress in the last month, what with the media continuously speculating on her break up with Abhishek Bachchan and more recently her receiving a lot of flak for her performance in The Mistress of Spices. Finally when Mani Ratnam decided to shift shooting location to Chennai, the actress decided to take a much needed break and return home as she was missing her folks.
Ash took a break and came home on 1 May to spend some quality time with her parents and brother. A close friend of the actress says “It has been a tiring month for her, because she has been shooting in Badami for the last 25 days. The temperature ran up to 45 degrees Celsius but yet they had to shoot round the clock. Now she has flown back to Mumbai for just 24 hours.” The actress was also not relishing constant studio food and wanted to indulge in home cooked food. Says Secretary Hari Singh “She loves vegetables and fruits and also sea food. But in Badami she was surviving only on salads and liquids. She is a foodie, yet she has to maintain her diet.”
The actress intended to spend her break with her family members, but unfortunately she was barely able to spend time with them as she was kept busy by costume designers and directors for her future projects. Says Hari Singh “People think that Ash is acting pricey by not responding to calls or answering SMS es. But she is genuinely busy with her meetings. In fact even having lunch with her family was delayed as she had to attend to professional commitments first.” On her performance in The Mistress of Spices receiving poor reviews from critics Hari Singh says “Ash was so busy that she could not even see the entire film, Gurinder only showed her the film in parts while she was shooting for it. Unless she sees the complete film she cannot make any comments. However in spite of this Ash feels that she has performed to the best of her abilities.”
Recently Ash’s mom spoke about her daughter’s relationship with Abhishek Bachchan to the media. Abhi was extremely upset about this move by the senior Mrs. Rai and so he called up Ash and bluntly told her “Make sure this doesn’t happen again. I don’t want any member of your family talking about me, us or my family. My family has always maintained a low-profile when it comes to our personal lives and I’d like to continue that.”
Ash has already returned to Chennai to complete the shooting for Mani Ratnam’s Guru. Hopefully the actress will be able to take a short break after the shooting is completed.
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